Sometimes rendering on cloud (using AWS Portal) generates different output compared to the renders on local machines or what was expected. There can several reasons for it one of the most common reasons is that location of those assets which makes the specific output are not accessible by the component (AWS Portal Asset Server) which uploads the necessary files to the cloud.
Below are some common issues when Asset Server cannot upload/download the required files necessary for rendering:
1. Worker complaining about missing scene - Job will error out
2. Worker complaining about missing assets (like alembics etc.) - Job may error out
3. Missing output after render is finished - Job will not error out
4. Unexpected output (missing textures/lights) - Job will not error out
If you encounter any of the above issues troubleshooting can be divided into two broader categories depending on the Asset Server's logs:
1. When Asset Server Logs do not have any errors
2. When Asset Server Logs have errors
1. When Asset Server Logs do not have any errors:
Say you experience issues mentioned above you need to go check the asset server logs. "awsportalassetserver_controller.log" under the Asset Server logs location. if you have the issue just reproduced otherwise check the one corresponding to the date of the issue, see if there are any errors? Normal log looks like below:
1665741191.388589 2022-10-14 04:53:11,388 [C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\AWSPortalAssetServer\] [root] [20312] [Dummy-1] [INFO] 'C:\Users<user>\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline10\pythonAPIs\2022-07-22T224802.0000000Z' already exists. Skipping extraction of PythonSync.
IPAddress set to <IP>
1665741293.281070 2022-10-14 04:54:53,281 [C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\AWSPortalAssetServer\awsportalassetserverlib\] [root] [20312] [Dummy-1] [INFO] Refreshing shares list.
So you have checked there is no errors in the Asset Server logs the next step will be to check the Worker logs (for AWS Portal Workers: select the Worker in Deadline Monitor> right menu- Connect to Worker Logs) or Job Report in question. Check what is the error, does it complain about missing scene or missing asset/texture/image/alembic etc? if no, then this article might not help you. If yes, then check the Asset Server Configuration in Deadline Monitor> Tools> Configure Asset Server. Check the Root Directories. See if the location which you saw in the job report is mentioned in the root directories?
Remember, Asset Server is the component which uploads all necessary files to the Cloud for rendering. The question is how? The answer is pretty simple, the location of the scene and the files referenced inside the scene should be present as root directories of the asset server. You will need to manually add those locations. Here's how you need to add those.
2. When Asset Server Logs have errors
When the Asset Server logs have errors like below:
[ThreadPoolExecutor-0_5][ERROR] Received errno: '2': The system cannot find the file specified, for: //<path to file>
It means that the scene has a reference of the file inside it but the file is not accessible to the Asset server so that it can upload it to S3 bucket (on cloud) to be available for the Worker. Asset server either doesn't have access to it or the file doesn't actually exist there.
You will need to check the error and find file location it is complaining about, then check the permissions for asset server service account user.
If the permissions are missing please add and retry, if the permissions are okay please reach out to us by cutting us a support ticket.
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