An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is a supported and maintained image provided by AWS that provides the information required to launch an instance. You can find the list of the application AMI predefined with Deadline release on this documentation.
If the above documentation doesn’t list the software/plugins you need, it is possible to customize a prepackaged AMIs to fit your environment. You can install the software and plugins needed on one of the image from the list and create your own snapshot from it. Follow this documentation on customizing an AMI with Deadline.
Make sure if the application you are installing on the AMI requires the GPU for rendering, then choose the GPU instance and install the required GPU drivers beforehand.
While we don't offer customized AMI development service, we are delighted to offer support and assistance for any obstacles you encounter during the customization. feel free to reach out to Thinkbox Support for assistance. Here is our contact information.
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