A lot of our customers face problems when they try to connect Client applications to Deadline Repository and Database. This troubleshooting guide will help you find the remedies if your client applications (Worker/Monitor etc.) are unable to connect due to any connection problem.
This guide is based of off our past experience of the problem related to connecting Deadline Client Applications to Database/Repository. We’ll start with the most popular ones and then try to cover as many as possible.
After the Deadline Client installation is complete you try to open the Monitor. The Monitor will try to connect with the Database, If it connects successfully it's UI shows up, If it fails it throws an error message. One of them is below:
Error Message:
Could not connect to any of the specified Mongo DB servers defined in the “Hostname” parameter of the “settings\connection.ini” file in the root of Repository - Connection Timed Out.
Error dialogue would look something like below:
While trying to connect, the Deadline Client application(s) use the Repository and Database's host names or IP addresses. When a connection attempt does not receive a response from the server (Database/Repository) after a threshold of time is passed the above message would pop up or be recorded in the application logs.
Connection Timed Out can happen due multiple reasons, one of them being port(s) blocked on the firewall, a machine being down, or something in the network medium (broken network cables). We'll cover Firewall troubleshooting in this guide.
To confirm from Windows in Powershell use Test-NetConnection -ComputerName <ip_of_db_machine> -Port 27100 or use telnet <ip_of_db_machine> 27100 (for Windows/Linux/macOS) from client machine if telnet is installed. If it fails, it means the port 27100 is blocked on the DB machine. Add a firewall rule on the Database machine to allow connections on the default 27100 inbound port. You can check in the Database configuration which port your it is listening on, it would be like below in DeadlineDatabase10\mongo\data\config.conf
port: 27100
Now add firewall rules by following here.
After adding the firewall rules try to connect the client application again, are you able to connect? If not reach out to us by cutting us a ticket at https://support.thinkboxsoftware.com/ along with the application logs.
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