If you’ve encountered license errors from your usage-based licensing renders and have found that your usage gauges are showing over 100% usage you may have been affected by a recent issue that allowed some users to use more licensing minutes than they had been entitled to.
Checking if this is the case can be done from your Customer Portal and going to Usage Report along the left side of the window.
From there, choose the ‘TimeLine’ chart (#1 in the screenshot below). If the graph is empty, you’ll need to set the zoom (#2) to a larger time range. You can fine-tune how much of your usage history is shown with the vertical bars at the bottom of the graph (#3).In this example graph you can see the blue ‘Total Usage’ line has risen over the purple ‘Entitlement’ line, meaning you were able to use minutes they hadn’t purchased. If your usage graph shows something similar then you will need to purchase additional licenses to make up for the overage. This example shows a new purchase of minutes being made on May 20th to resolve the overage.
To calculate how many minutes you’ll need to buy you can use the ‘entitled’ and ‘usage’ values from the ‘Gauges’ view (the first and default view in the #1 UI element).
In this example, there’s a 41,020 minute overage of Redshift. |
If you are experiencing errors and your graph doesn’t show an overage as in the example above, or if you have any questions, please reach out to the support team.
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